Thursday, May 13, 2010

What's for lunch?

Grilled veggie and edamame hummus sandwich! (with a side salad of course) tasty and so healthy! Toast 2 pieces of Trader Joe's Whole Grain bread, spread 2 tablespoons of Trader Joe's edamame hummus onto the toasted bread, then load 'er up with grilled veggies (my veggies were left over from the night before) and you've got yourself an amazing sandwich!

My amazing personal trainer gave me the idea to spread avocado and wasabi on a piece of whole grain bread and make a sandwich! SO GOOD! As you can probably tell I'm a sandwich person and that's because for years I attempted to eliminate all bread from my diet. As a result, I failed time after time. I just love bread WAY TOO MUCH to give it up for life! For a while I eliminated gluten from my diet; therefore, I transitioned to quinoa bread. Quinoa is slightly higher in calories, but just as satisfying. That's all for now!

1 comment:

  1. Such a well-balanced meal you have there. And I am so glad you liked the avocado/wasabi spread!!! Isn't it takes the sandwich to a whole new level! I am a sandwich person too and could not imagine myself without them...luckily there is a healthy way to do a sandwich and still feel satisfied! Bye-bye mayo!!!
